Welcome to Escore Days!
Day One
Overcome tantrums while nurturing your child’s emotional development and keeping your sanity!
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You with Learn:
- What if it’s always going to be this way?
- What if I’m setting a bad example?
- What if my toddler is just destined to be a rude, selfish person?
- What if people think I’m a bad parent?
- What if I’m failing my child?
Rosalia Rivera is Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam aliquet nibh vitae efficitur tincidunt. Morbi sed lobortis ipsum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nunc sed dapibus velit. Praesent ut tortor et diam varius aliquam. Aenean cursus risus a augue volutpat condimentum. Mauris ut ex id est sagittis tincidunt et in erat. Fusce semper convallis nisi, in pharetra felis lacinia tristique. Donec non dignissim nisl. Suspendisse dolor nibh, ornare bibendum elit nec, suscipit facilisis sem. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque condimentum dui at velit iaculis, nec facilisis diam venenatis.
You can find Rosalia online at Consent Parenting
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The free viewing period for Day One Escore Day
ends when the timer runs out
Then the price increases to $197. Don’t miss out!

Together, we will transform toddlerhood from chaos and frustration to connection and confidence while nurturing your child’s development.
Elisa Song, MD
Meet your Host

Devon Kuntzman, PCC.
Founder of Transforming Toddlerhood + Conference Host
As the original toddler expert on Instagram, Devon is on a mission to transform the myth that toddlerhood is terrible. She empowers parents and caregivers of kids ages 1-5 to overcome challenges, nurture development, and create confidence in their parenting skills by being the Loving Leader & Guide™ through using positive, respectful and developmentally appropriate parenting tools.
As a result, Devon has built a community of over 850,000 parents and caregivers from across the world who are committed to transforming their parenting, their toddler’s behavior and their overall experience of toddlerhood while creating a foundation for a relationship with their child that lasts a lifetime.
Day One Has Ended
The free viewing period for DAY 1 has ended.
Here’s what you missed:
Nurturing Toddler Health,
Development, and Safety

Rosalia Rivera
Protecting Children from Abuse

Microbiome Magic for Healthier Brains, Bodies, and Immune System

How Toddler Brain Development Impacts Behavior

Water Safety for Toddlers

Using Sign Language to Help Toddlers Communicate
Purchase Premium Package to have Lifetime Access to all of conference recordings and bonuses.