Welcome to Transforming Toddlerhood!
We believe that with effective tools and strategies, you can put the “terrible twos” and “threenager” challenges behind you and experience the joy of parenting a toddler.
Hi! I’m Devon
Founder of Transforming Toddlerhood
I’m a wife, mama and the original toddler parenting expert on Instagram. In 2018, I created Transforming Toddlerhood with the mission to transform the myth that toddlerhood is terrible!
As an ICF-certified coach with a degree in psychology, I help thousands of families each year through courses, workshops, and the annual Transforming Toddlerhood Conference. We are a community of 1 million parents and caregivers committed to transforming their parenting, their toddler’s behavior, and overall experience of toddlerhood while creating a relationship with their child that lasts a lifetime.
Now, I want to help you overcome the chaos of toddlerhood so you can experience confidence and joy in parenting your child.

Not wanting to face another grueling day of caregiving,
and not knowing if I’m really up for the task.
In the early days of my career, I worked as a nanny for high-profile families across the globe and I’ve seen it ALL when it comes to toddler behaviors.
The crying. The tantrums. The power struggles.
Transforming Toddlerhood Approach
Learn positive, developmentally appropriate parenting tools that work with your child’s development – not against it!

Get to the root of what your toddler’s behavior is communicating so you can meet their needs with in your boundaries while shifting to an empowered mindset.

Take control of your emotions and actions to transform your reactions in to responses allowing you to create connection and embrace the critical development of toddlerhood.

Redefine discipline so you can master parenting tools and strategies that are not only effective but also build a strong relationship with your child allowing you to become a confident guide.
Parenting then becomes something you do with your child instead of something you do to them, which creates more space for joy, fun, and healthy development for everyone!
And that’s the core of the Transforming Toddlerhood approach!

At Transforming Toddlerhood we believe that toddlers
are not terrible.
Our proven Transforming Toddlerhood Framework allows you to walk away confident in your parenting, your toolbox filled with developmentally appropriate strategies, and (most importantly) that you’re excited to experience this precious time with your child.
Look, I know you JUST want to know that
you’re a good parent to your toddler.
Whether you’re struggling with parenting a toddler or you just want to know that you’re using the best tools to shape their development…
Hang out with us, and learn how to:
- Nurture your child’s emotional development
- Keep a calm mind even your toddler is upset
- Overcome behavior challenges without punishments, yelling, or threats
- Set limits and boundaries and follow through
- Balance independence with reasonable rules
- Stay patient even when you’re overwhelmed and exhausted
- Use positive, developmentally appropriate parenting tools
- Get on the same page with co-parents and caregivers
- Set the foundation for your parenting for years to come!

Every child is different . . . and so is every parent! Choose the path that’s right for you.

Toddler Parenting
Starter Kit
Curious about positive parenting, but not sure where to start? Here’s the perfect launchpad! In this 10-part video series, you’ll learn about 10 core aspects of parenting toddlers and how to put them into practice right away!

Need expert support with a specific challenge? And need it RIGHT NOW? We have virtual, on-demand workshops that dive deep and provide practical, ready-to-use tools and strategies to make parenting your toddler waaaay easier.

Transforming Toddlerhood
Learn from 25+ of the top experts in toddler parenting, development, and wellbeing to overcome the challenges of toddlerhood and experience more of the joys. Don’t miss these inspirational, life-changing sessions that will forever transform your parenting.
We’ve transformed the lives of thousands of parents just like you.
Here’s what they have to say.
Experienced a massive shift!
I was constantly frustrated and very aware of not wanting to embody the same parenting style as my own parents had, which was dominated by control and anger. I experienced a massive shift through working with Devon. I was able to identify that my need to control everything was hindering exactly what I wanted to create – a mutually cooperative partnership. Devon was very compassionate and helped me return to the person I wanted to be, so I could model the behavior I wanted to see in my daughter.
– Stacey L –
Mama of 1I was able to gain techniques!
My biggest challenge was acknowledging my own emotions and offering connection during tantrums. I was being triggered and responding in anger. Through Transforming Toddlerhood, I was able to gain techniques on how to connect with myself and my son to prevent tantrums from becoming meltdowns, oftentimes diffusing them all together. Now, I feel much more confident in my abilities.
– Mandi V –
Mom of 1I feel capable, empowered, and confident!
I felt overwhelmed by the constant meltdowns of our son, the aggression towards his little brother and other children. We felt confused, defeated, and hopeless of anything ever changing. We didn’t enjoy parenting and we weren’t able to delight in our toddler. Now enjoy parenting our son and it is so much fun! I learned how to view the world from his lens and come alongside him to establish partnership. I feel capable, empowered, and confident in my parenting.
– Courtney W –
Mom of 2Free Toddlerhood Resources
We’ve got you covered with a treasure trove of FREE resources to help you navigate these challenging years with joy and ease.

5 Secrets That Make
Parenting Toddlers Easier
Discover the secrets to making the developmental period of toddlerhood 10x easier

25 Alternatives to
“Good Job”
Want your child to be motivated, resilient, and have strong self-esteem? Of course you do! Boost your child’s confidence with intentional praise that supports a growth mindset!

10 Simple Strategies for Ending Power Struggles
Power struggles are one of the biggest challenges of toddlerhood. Learn simple strategies to end the exhausting cycle in a way that creates cooperation and nurtures development without extinguishing your toddler’s spirit.

5 Toddler Discipline Phrases To Avoid
Effective discipline is foundational for helping you manage and transform your toddler’s challenging behavior. But disciplining your child doesn’t have to be confusing, shameful, or upsetting for everyone.

Household Tasks For Toddlers
You can nurture your child’s desire to help in the early years to build lifelong habits! Practice inviting your child into an activity by giving them a task they are excited about and capable of doing alongside you.

Responding to Biting Scripts
Biting is one of the most common challenging behaviors in toddlers. There are many misconceptions about this behavior. When it comes to challenging behaviors, the most important thing to remember is that all behavior is communication (even behaviors like biting!).

Responding to Hitting Scripts
Hitting is one of the biggest challenges. It’s also really triggering. This freebie will share exactly what to do and say in those moments of frustration to support our toddler’s development.

Reasons To Love The Toddler Years
Discover the joy in every toddler step! Toddlerhood is a challenging developmental period but it doesn’t have to be terrible. Explore the wonderful reasons that make the toddler years truly magical even during the challenging moments.

Parenting your toddler doesn’t
have to be terrible.
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tips directly in your inbox!